lithium-ion batteries are expensive we want to do everything
we can to protect them – which means making sure that
all charging equipment is properly programmed for the
correct charging Voltages and regulated for current or
this article I will discuss the best practices for charging
the Lithionics lithium-ion batteries in RV’s, yachts and
so on that will have a propulsion motor with some form
of alternator on it. Please keep in mind that whenever
the alternator is going to charge 2 or more different/
separate battery banks we must properly isolate the charging
path for each battery bank so that they can all charge
independently and optimally. Some of the devices I will
discuss below will also isolate the battery banks, otherwise,
we may want to use one of the industry leading, 99.9%
efficient Perfect Switch dual battery isolator rectifier
relays (found on our website at our Perfect Switch Battery
Isolator Intro Page at:
Directly/ Indirectly charging the Lithionics lithium-ion
batteries from either an OEM alternator (factory issued)
or lithium specific built alternator – such as those we
offer by Nations Alternator (predominantly for land vehicles),
Balmar, DC Power (predominantly for marine applications
and generators) and others. More info on lithium compatible
alternators we offer is located on our Alternator webpage
first thing we need to identify is what is the actual
Amp output of the alternator and make sure that it does
not exceed the maximum allowable charging Amps for your
Lithionics Battery(s). Assuming that the alternator’s
output will not exceed the maximum charging Amps for the
battery, then the following will apply:
A. OEM Alternators:
These are factory equipped alternators and are not designed
for use with lithium-ion batteries so we must be extremely
careful not to burn them out. In almost all cases, these
OEM alternators will have an internal Voltage regulator
that cannot be adjusted for the Lithionics charge Voltages.
If this is true, then we have 2 safe methods to still
utilize this alternator while you drive but we will be
required to install one of the following:
A1. Lithionics ACR (Automatic Charge Relay):
Here, we can connect the alternator’s positive output
wire to the ACR’s big main contactor (I suggest that you
order the Lithionics ACR together with the contactor).
The way the ACR works is it takes the alternator’s 12
Volt output and properly regulates the Voltage. At the
same time, the ACR also has programmed into it “alternator
cooling cycles” so that after 45 minutes of charging,
the ACR contactor opens and stops current going to the
Lithionics battery for 15 minutes to allow the alternator
to cool off. With this system, you can potentially recharge
the Lithionics with full or near full Amp output from
your alternator – after engine start battery charging
and any DC loads are accounted for.
A2. DC to DC Smart Charger:
Here we can control both the Amps and Voltage going to
the Lithionics battery with what is called a DC to DC
Smart Battery Charger. Now its important to note that
this is quite different from a DC to DC Converter (which
can be used as a power supply but not for charging). The
best model to use is the Victron Orion-TR Smart DC to
DC Charger which is available in models with 12 Volt output
ranging from about 9 Amps to 30 Amps. I most often install
the 30 Amp version and in many cases, we can install several
of them in parallel to increase the charging Amps from
30 Amps to 60 or 90 or higher Amps. The Victron model
has an easy to use Bluetooth App that makes it easy to
set up the charging Voltages and you can also monitor
what the device is doing. They also come with a great
5 year warranty. Lithionics also approves the use of the
Chinese made Kisae brand DC to DC chargers available in
30 and 50 Amps (possibly higher Amp versions coming) but
I have found these very difficult to program and then
confirm that I have the programming correctly set. As
such, I only install the Victron Orion models.
Specialty Alternator: You plan to use a purpose built
lithium compatible alternator: Here you will have a Nations
Alternator, Balmar or DC Power lithium capable alternator
that must be connected to either a Balmar or Wakespeed
External Voltage Regulator.
B1. If using the Balmar regulator (such as the
Balmar MC614 model), we will need to connect the Lithionics
battery’s BMS option “FCC” (Field Circuit Control) wire
connected to the Balmar regulator. This will communicate
and tell the alternator when to turn off/ wind down the
alternator’s field output – either when the battery is
full or an error is detected.
B2. If using the Wakespeed WS500 regulator, it
will connect to the Lithionics BMS via a CANBus connection/
wire harness. This is the best way to go as it is more
sophisticated control of the alternator than with the
FCC option.
B3. Of course, if your specialty lithium capable alternator
is serving two separate lithium battery banks (or two
battery banks with different chemistry) of the same Voltage,
you could also use the Victron Orion-TR Smart DC to DC
Charger(s) on one of the battery banks.
of these External Voltage Regulators do an excellent job
of protecting the alternator from a sudden power cut and
can be custom programmed for the correct charging Voltages.
Both also have the option of decreasing the alternator’s
output by up to 25% - which may be needed if you say have
a 200 Amp alternator but your Lithionics battery/ BMS
have a max. charge rate approval for 150 Amps.
keep in mind that many RV manufacturers place limits on
the number of Amps permitted to going to charging a secondary
battery bank. For example, the Mercedes Benz Sprinter
vans generally permit only up to 80 Amps to be drawn off
the OEM alternator to recharge the Lithionics Battery
system. If you want more than the manufacturer’s warranty
approved limits, you can always opt for one of the Nations
Alternator dedicated second alternator kits that are available
for most popular Mercedes, Ford, GM and Dodge truck chassis.
More info on lithium compatible dedicated second alternator
kits that we offer is located on our Alternator webpage
images with page links referencing this article:

Switch Battery Isolators and DC Power Management

offer high power, lithium-ion battery compatible
alternators for RV and Marine by Nations Alternator,
DC Power Solutions, Balmar and more...

Wakespeed WS500 is a great external Voltage regulator
for alternators that can connect to the Lithionics
BMS and be controlled by CANbus

Balmar MC614 12 Volt external Voltage regulator
is a great choice for use with the Lithionics
lithium-ion batteries and connect to the BMS through
the Lithionics FCC wire option.

Victron Orion "Smart" model DC to DC
chargers can be used in many RV and marine applications
where an OEM alternator is in use.