has branded the lithium-ion battery’s Battery Management
System as “NeverDie”. We often refer to this system as
the BMS in short. Lithionics NeverDie BMS really sets
itself apart from all other competitors on a number of
levels. In short, it is simply the most robust, most simple
to use, safest and feature-rich BMS available.
NeverDie BMS is basically available in two main products:
BMS – where it is built into the battery box.
As an external BMS box – where the BMS is self contained
in a separate electrical box that connects to one or more
Lithionics Battery Modules. For this option, there is
an additional option called “Dual Channel BMS” which separates
both the battery system’s charging and discharging functions.
The Dual Channel BMS is optimal as it gives an added layer
of potential functionality (important for marine projects)
whereby if for example there is a battery charging error,
the BMS will shut off the charging circuit but leave the
load circuit open so that you can continue powering loads
like navigation instruments, lights etc. The same also
applies if a load error is detected – the load circuit
will be closed but the charging circuit remains open so
that you can at least continue recharging the battery.
The external BMS box option is always the best way to
go as we can offer features that simply cannot fit on
the internal BMS circuit boards and the external BMS uses
a big military grade contactor – which again cannot fit
on the internal BMS.
Lithionics NeverDie BMS is proprietary and only works
with the Lithionics lithium-ion battery products for the
primary reason that it is in fact a two-part BMS with
both a master control box that is in constant communication
with our mini-BMS circuit boards (slaves) that are found
on every cell inside each battery. This system works continuously
together to provide both safety and battery protection
functions that include but are not limited to the following:
Over current protection
Low battery Voltage protection
Temperature intervention (both too high as well as too
low cell temperatures)
Short circuit protection
Major cell imbalances
Please Note: With the Lithionics lithium-ion batteries,
cell balancing (as well as the State of Charge Monitoring
re-calibration) occurs when the batteries are fully charged
to 100%. As such, it is important to occasionally fully
recharge the batteries to 100%. During your season of
use, we recommend that at least every 2 weeks you fully
recharge your Lithionics battery to ensure both cell balancing
as well as accurate reporting of your battery's capacity
through our State of Charge monitoring gauge or phone
And many more functions. Visit
our BMS page for full details of all of the features included
as well as the available options for each of the different
Lithionics NeverDie Battery Management Systems.
One main difference in the BMS available at different
Voltages is that the 12 Volt batteries have a single mini-BMS
on each cell, but when we go to 24 Volts the number of
mini-BMS on each cell doubles which again happens when
we jump up to 51 Volt and 102 Volt batteries. When an
anomaly of any sort that could cause a safety issue the
Lithionics NeverDie BMS will shut off power at the battery
to prevent any damage to your systems or the battery itself
– within milliseconds. If the error was simply a momentary
“blip” of some sort, the BMS will automatically re-latch
and restore power at the battery without any personal
intervention. However if it is a more serious problem
or the battery has been depleted to its maximum safe discharge
level of 90% discharged, then the operator will need to
first determine what went wrong (you can check the status
codes on our Battery Monitoring System), do what you can
to remedy the error and then manually turn the battery
system back On – either on the battery’s On/Off/Reset
button switch on top of the battery or the On/Off/Reset
button switch on external BMS box.
the battery and BMS have turned Off because the battery
is depleted, you can simply press the Reset button for
1 second to access some emergency power but at this point
you should really begin recharging.
“Master” and “Slave” BMS or mini-BMS are constantly communicating
and reporting from the cell level things like Voltage,
Amperage, Temperature and so on.
On/Off/Reset button switch is very simple to use: press
it for one second to turn On or press and hold it for
4 seconds to turn it Off. Also, when the switch is in
the Off position it will turn Off the internal battery
heater system - if equipped.
addition, the Lithionics NeverDie BMS also provides the
basis for the Lithionics State of Charge or Battery Monitoring
System which is available standard on every system with
a Bluetooth Smartphone App for your smartphone or the
same information can be displayed on an optionally purchased
external Lithionics State of Charge gauge that we call
the “Ion Gauge”. Both systems report 17 critical battery
parameters which include:
Battery Voltage
Battery Temperature
Net Amps (the difference between any Amps being drawn
or any Amps being charged). The system uses a super accurate
Coulomb Amp counter that counts the number of Amps going
in and out of the battery and shows if it is positive
or negative as well as the Amp figure.
A graphical “Battery Fuel Gauge”
Status Codes – which can be very helpful in determining
the battery’s health as well as troubleshooting if something
goes wrong.
Hours remaining at current Amp usage.
Cumulative Amp hours used as well as history.
And more…
addition, the Lithionics NeverDie offers valuable data
export functionality or Telemetry via CANBus, Bluetooth
or Serial Port, Serial UART BMS Data Telemetry (Alternate:
Serial RS232) and Ethernet TCP/IP. We can also connect
with your generator’s Automatic Generator Restart function
and we can control alternators safely with either our
alternator Field Circuit Control (FCC) or via CANBus to
Wakespeed external Voltage Regulators.
Lithionics NeverDie BMS system is by far the best engineered,
feature-rich, safe and easiest to use available on the
market. More information on the Lithionics NeverDie BMS
as well as options and pricing is found on our website
images with page links referencing this article:

photo of one of our yacht Client's BMS installation

Lithionics ACR - for use with many modern
alternators for proper battery bank isolation
and optimal lithium-ion battery charging.

Lithionics Bluetooth Smartphone App

Lithionics "Ion Gauge" for displaying
the State of Charge and other lithium-ion
battery data.