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Original, Highly Collectible Canadian Landscape and Abstract Oil Paintings as well as Limited Edition Prints on Canvas by Renown Canadian Artist, Donald Flather

Donald Flather Canadian Federation of Canadian Artists founding member

Click to read Donald's Biography on his website.

Donald Flather was a good friend of Canadian Group of Seven Painters member Lawren Harris and Donald's landscape paintings reflect Donald's own style with elements of French Impressionism and the Group of 7. From Coast to Coast and the high Arctic including Baffin Island, Donald painted many beautiful scenes that are cherished by top collectors from Canada, the USA and Internationally.

Donald Flather participated in many of the specially Juried Annual BC Artists Exhibitions held at the Vancouver Art Gallery Art Museum during the 1940's. Donald had one or two of his paintings selected for inclusion from likely thousands of submissions each year. Many of these exhibitions were juried by Group of Seven Artist/ leader Lawren Harris. Be sure to visit Donald Flather's Exhibitions page to see the Annual BC Artists Exhibition catalogues that featured paintings by Group of Seven members Lawren Harris and J.W.G. MacDonald (one Lawren Harris painting on sale for only $700!) as well as other famous BC/ Canadian Artists EJ Hughes, BC Binning, WP Weston, Emily Carr, Jack Shadbolt and others.

Click to see Donald Flather's MArvel LAke painting - which belongs to the Vancouver Art Gallery Museum's permanent collection.

Winter Storm, Marvel Lake by Donald Flather. Dated 1946. This painting was exhibited at the 15th Annual BC Artists Exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery Museum and then in 2002, Donald's Grandson, David Flather donated this painting to the Vancouver Art Gallery Museum's permanent collection.

Visit Donald Flather's website at: or contact David Flather, Grandson of Donald Flather at 604-818-9274 or by email at for more information.

Visit Polina Dudkina's original European paintings website featuring authentic Ukrainian original artworks

Visit Polina Dudkina's original European paintings website featuring authentic Ukrainian original artworks.

As the whole World knows there are millions of Ukrainian citizens suffering the traumatic psychological and economic effects of the terrible Russian war against Ukraine. For most Ukrainians daily life has become a real struggle - including for myself whose sole income for me and my young daughter is now my artworks. The fact is that with the economy in limbo, the unemployment rate is very high and it is not likely that new work opportunities will appear for some time. I wish to take this moment to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart to all of the millions of donors that have offered all kinds of assistance to Ukraine and its citizens from the smallest gifts of clothing and food to millions of dollars by several Governments, as well as of course all of the military aid. As a Ukrainian citizen, I am also very proud of all the brave men and women defending our sovereign nation. We truly appreciate all of the support that we have been given and of course I pray that this war ends quickly.


Visit Polina's Facebook page Facebook:

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